
Chilled Yogurt

Chilled Yogurt

Let me share with you a quick and easy recipe of yougurt spiced with secret Indian healthy spices and can be tried usually a hot summer afternoon to add- on to your lunch and also to immune you from the effect of hot air of summer.

  • Prepration Time - 5 min
  • Cooking Time - 5 min.
Ingredients :
  • 1 teaspoon oil / ghee
  • 2 cup yogurt (curd without water)
  • 1/2 cup chopped onions
  • 1/2 tbsp cumin seeds ( jeera)
  • 1/4 tbsp mustered seeds ( rai)
  • 1/4 tbsp red chilli powder
  • 1 tbsp cumin powder
  • 2 tbsp coriander leaves (chopped)
  • Pinch of haldi powder and salt as per requirement.

Method -
Yogurt :   Take 2 bowls of curd. Transfer this into the muslin cloth ( you can also use a normal cotton cloth ) press the cloth  slowly slowly with the help of your hands and you can see the water is dripping out. Now hung this cloth for an hour. When the whole water is dripped out you can transfer this curd into a bowl and store in refrigerator.
Recipe :
  • Take a bowl of yogurt add some chopped onions, red chilli powder and salt in it and mix it well.
  • In a another  pan heat some oil.(you can use ghee also )
  •  Add some cumin  and mustered seeds in the hot oil. when they starts cracking  add chopped onions ( you can also used chopped green chillis) After that add some salt and haldi powder.( I m am using salt and haldi powder after onions because they help onions to turn golden brown easily).
  • When the onions turned into golden brown add red chilli powder. Mix it well. Now       your mixture is ready put  this into the yougurt .
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  •  When the onions turned into golden brown add red chilli powder. Mix it well.
            Now your mixture is ready put  this into the yougurt . 

  • You can garnish  yogurt with coriander leaves and cumin powder.   Now your yogurt is ready to keep in the refrigerator for cooling down. Serve it chilled in hot summer afternoons to make you healthy and a mouth watering experience.

Taste and tellus

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